OK, so now I'm really backtracking!!! For Fall Festival James dressed in a football jersey and Samantha went as a pea. Yes, a pea...there's a story....
My friend Heather and I met because our husbands are both ministers at Rehoboth. My son, James, and her daughter, Moriah, are only a little over month apart in age. Well, last November we BOTH found out we were expecting again. My due date was Aug 19 and hers was Aug 20. We also happened to go to the same Dr. because I had asked her previously about where she went (since we live in the same area and our insurance is the same). We ended up BOTH having girls. They were BOTH born on the SAME day, in the SAME hospital, and delivered by the SAME Doctor. If that's not wild, I don't know what is.
So, for Fall Festival we dressed up both girls as "Two Peas in a Pod." It really was cute! Even though the costumes swallowed them both, and were made of hot fleece when the temp that night was around 70.All of the staff kids

Samantha and James

Samantha and Jael ~ Two Peas in a Pod


James eyeing "the goods" ~ James loves Ms. Marie!!

Colonel Sanders, his wife, and their son, the chicken ~ Our Friends Britton and Pam and their son, Barrett

Our Trunk for Trunk or Treat ~ Sponsored by our Bible Fellowship class

This is what it's all about!