So, here I am hands free!! I was even able to do the dishes while holding my sweet baby (and I mean dishes by hand), and she even fell asleep by the time I was finished!
Thanks for the blog, girls, and thanks for the sling instructions, Leah! Ya'll are awesome!
He had actually gotten out of bed, got his truck out of his toy box, and fell asleep cuddled up with it. I couldn't resist the "Kodak moment".
And yes, his ear is very red because a mosquito attacked my sweet baby's ear...trust me, he met his maker!
James had figured out how to climb into the basket (which is almost taller than he is), and was sitting on top of the bathroom rug that was supposed to be drying! Upon seeing him I said, "Andy, are you watching your son?"
Andy: "Yes"
Me: "Do you know what he's doing?"
Andy: "I know he's around the corner where I can't see him and he's been quiet"
Me: "In the future when he's quiet, that probably means he's doing something he shouldn't and he needs to be checked on"
That's our little boy! Always keeping us on our toes!! Here are some more pictures of him at snack time with his favorite snack, cheerios and milk.
Showing me where the cheerios go.
Trying to show me the cheerio in his mouth
How can you not love this face?
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